FUJI XP143 High-Speed SMT Pick and Place Machine – Precision Placement & Versatile Performance


  • Brand: Fuji
  • Model: XP143
  • Type: High-Speed SMT Pick and Place Machine
  • Placement Speed: 21,800 CPH (0.165 sec/component), ensuring high-speed operation for fast-paced production lines
  • Component Size Range: Suitable for small to large components, ranging from 0402 to 20x20mm
  • Vision System: Equipped with “On-the-Fly” vision and Fuji’s proprietary Multi-Step (MS) vision processing for enhanced placement accuracy
  • Precisión: High placement accuracy with auto calibration to minimize errors and optimize production efficiency
  • Adaptability: Ideal for various SMT components, capable of handling a wide variety of parts in diverse production environments
  • Compact Design: Space-saving, efficient footprint that does not compromise on performance
  • Flexibility: Excellent for both chip shooting and versatile pick-and-place operations, ideal for rapid changeovers and varied production needs
  • Durability: Built to endure high-volume manufacturing environments, ensuring long-term reliability
  • Key Features:
    • High-Speed: Placement time of just 0.165 sec per component
    • Vision Processing: Advanced MS vision algorithm for precise component placement
    • Auto Calibration: Reduces setup time and improves accuracy
    • Versatile: Handles a wide range of components for flexible manufacturing needs
  • Ideal For: Electronics manufacturers requiring a high-speed, precise, and adaptable SMT pick and place machine for efficient assembly lines
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参数 规格
El hombre que se acostó en el sofá 可贴装 0402(in01005) – 25×20mm、高度 6mm 以下的零件,通过选项可贴装 BGA、CSP
Fotos de la ciudad de Nueva York 0,165 秒/个,21.800 个/小时(矩形元件);0,180 秒/个,20.000 个/小时(0402 元件)
Fotos de chicas desnudas ±0.050mm(cpk≧1.00,矩形元件等);±0.040mm(cpk≧1.00,QFP 等)
El hombre que se acostó Tamaño: 457 × 356 mm, Tamaño: 50 × 50 mm, Tamaño: 3 – 4,0 mm
El hombre que se acostó 最大 100 种类(前侧、后侧各 50 种类)
El hombre que se quedó sin aliento 4.2 años
El agua está hirviendo Bandeja de 100 unidades, bandeja de 100 unidades
机器尺寸 Longitud 1500 mm, 1300 mm, 1408,5 mm (排除信号塔)
机器重量 Peso 1800 kg (peso bruto)
Deja un comentario Cancelar respuesta Chino, chino tradicional y japonés
程序编辑 同时支持在线编程与脱机编程

FUJI XP143 High-Speed SMT Pick and Place Machine – Precision Placement & Versatile Performance Foto de la XP143

富士 XP143 贴片机的特点包括:

贴装能力:可贴装 0402(01005)极小芯片,通过选项也能贴装 BGA、CSP 等;能处理最大元件尺寸为 25×20mm,最大高Tamaño de 6 mm, 6 mm, 21,800个/小时(0.165 秒/个)。

El gobierno de China ha prohibido el uso de sustancias prohibidas:搭载单料盘平台和吸嘴自动更换器,支持 100 种元件(前侧、后侧各 50 种);具有送出侧缓冲功能和不废气贴片功能,支持试生产.

El hombre que se quedó sin palabras: 457×356mm, 50×50mm, 3×4.0mm.

El hombre que practicaba yoga:贴装精度较高,矩形元件等可达±0.050mm(cpk≧1.00),QFP 等可达±0.040mm(cpk≧1.00)。

El agua está hirviendo: 1.500 mm, 1.300 mm, 1.408,5 mm; 1.800 kg.

Impresora XP143富士官方资料或咨询相关专业人士.
El modelo XP143 es compatible con la mayoría de los modelos
富士 XP143.







Placa XP143 贴片机能够贴装从 0402(01005)极小芯片到 20×20mm 的元件,具备较高的贴装精度和速度,可以满足多种电子产品对贴片工艺的要求。不过,实际应用中具体选择哪种贴片机还需根据生产需求、产品特点、预算等因素综合考虑。


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