Wir bieten hochwertige gebrauchte SMT-Geräte führender Marken wie Fuji, Panasonic und Juki. Unsere Auswahl umfasst Bestückungsautomaten, Reflow-Öfen und mehr, die alle sorgfältig auf Qualität geprüft werden. Profitieren Sie von kompetenter Unterstützung und transparenten Preisen, um eine reibungslose und effiziente Produktion zu gewährleisten.
FUJI XP-243E Placement Machine – High-Speed Pick and Place for SMT Assembly
FUJI CP842E Chip Shooter Pick and Place Machine – High-Speed, Accurate SMT Placement
FUJI XP143 High-Speed SMT Pick and Place Machine – Precision Placement & Versatile Performance
Panasonic NPM-W2S High-Speed Modular SMT Pick and Place Machine – Advanced, Versatile Assembly Solution
Panasonic NPM-WX Modular Placement Machine – High-Speed, Flexible SMT Solution
Panasonic NPM-D3A Modular Pick and Place Machine – High-Speed, High-Capacity SMT Solution
Panasonic NPM-D3A Modular Pick and Place Machine – High-Speed, High-Capacity SMT Solution
Panasonic NPM-DX Pick and Place Machine – High-Speed, High-Capacity SMT Solution for PCB Assembly
Panasonic BM Series SMT Placement Machines – High-Speed, Precision Pick and Place for PCB Assembly
Panasonic BM123/BM221 SMT Chip Mounter Pick and Place Machine for PCB Assembly – High-Speed, Precise, and Reliable
Panasonic DT401 PCB Placement Machine – Modular High-Speed SMT Mounter for Versatile Component Handling
Panasonic CM602 SMT Pick and Place Machine – High-Speed Modular Mounter for Precision PCB Assembly